In order for the one-click polls to accept a response I would suggest there be a captcha the user has to complete. I've noticed a lot of spam systems are now automatically clicking all the links in an email before it hits their inboxes resulting in very skewed responses. In the most recent poll I sent, there are numerous responses where users clicked both yes and no simultaneously within seconds of the email being sent.
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CC has an extremely small selection of emojis for the Subject Line. You need additional categories like: celebrations, homes, cars, gifts, fireworks, PCs, phones, etc.
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Hello @AgencyONE ,
If you have confirm opt-in turned on for your account, this is how it must legally and compliantly function. Someone must click the link in the automated email sent to them after signing up, in order for us to mark their contact in your account as a subscribed contact. Otherwise they will remain in Awaiting Confirmation and inactive for the purposes of your billing and sending.
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CC has an extremely small selection of emojis for the Subject Line. You need additional categories like: celebrations, homes, cars, gifts, fireworks, PCs, phones, etc.
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