Hello @JordinL4 ,
If you're noticing unusual unsubscribe activity, there's a few things to check:
Check with the contacts to see if they're forwarding the emails. Unsubscribe links in footers are coded for the original recipient, so if they forward it and the forwardee explicitly confirms the actual contact's email address on the unsubscription confirmation page, we're forced to honor it for legal and compliance reasons. If this is your situation, I'd recommend you strongly encourage your forwarding contacts to stop doing so in general. If there's others who want to receive your emails, they can subscribe directly to you.
Have the affected contact(s) check their email program's settings. Some email programs are set to automatically unsubscribe them from emails after X amount of deletions without opening, for example. The contact would want to check their email program settings to see if they have anything that'd auto-unsub them for any reason, and consider turning that off.
Check any programs you have connected with your Constant Contact account. If you're running an integration, especially one developed outside of our system, that syncs a contact database with your CTCT account, then they would also potentially have the ability to manage your lists. This includes deleting contacts from your CTCT account, unsubscribing them, changing contact details like name and physical address, and other such management.
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