Hello @AveryC09 ,
Our suggestion is to not forward emails, as email programs tend to alter the codes of emails that are forwarded through them for their own purpose. Sometimes nothing or very little noticeable is changed, other times it can completely upheave the design entirely. Once an email has been received, we have no control over how the email program will choose to rewrite it for its forwarding purposes. Even emails originating and being forwarded from directly within email programs will encounter this sometimes, as it's just how the coding works.
Our suggested "workarounds" would be to either have the forwardees as actual contacts you can email directly, or to use the "Forward" option of the social share bar that can be inserted in emails. The share version essentially generates a simple messaged pre-built email with the campaign's permanent URL as part of it.
As far as the email getting changed after reply-to collapses, they'd need to just reference the original email at the top of the email thread.
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