Hi Ori! Your newsletter is packed with valuable information but you are correct, it is very long. So long that the information at the bottom may get cut off for some of your audience’s emails. Besides for the terrific suggestions above, here are some more ideas to shorten your newsletter without losing the valuable information.
Overall, link all your images to your website.
Consider using Call-to-Action (CTA) buttons instead of links or a mix of both. Buttons tend to be more eye-catching.
The top banner is great but takes up a good deal of real estate. In addition, you are not using your logo which immediately is recognizable to your congregants. You might want to consider changing the top of your email to include your logo and contact information. Logo on the left, address, phone number and website home page link on the right. That way, even if people don’t read your entire newsletter, they know where to go for more information right away.
Move the week at a glance into 3 columns. (see the attached screenshot)
Delete all the Learn More buttons (Keep the RSVP Required links in place) and add a large button to direct people to the online calendar and the virtual options at the end of the block.
Delete the spaces in between the date and the events. Make the day, month and date a different color to stand out (again see the screenshot attached).
Since your newsletter is weekly, perhaps avoid providing all the information on an event several weeks in advance. For example: Don’t Miss Our Juneteenth Shappat@WHC, Friday, June 14 6pm. Learn more
When you get closer to the date, then provide the details.
Similarly with the all the other events. List them with links and not the details until you get closer to the date.
Condolences section – you could format the bulleted list into two columns, that would save room as well.
We manage email newsletters for a large number of clients, including non-profits. (We do a great job with redesigning basic templates and supporting clients.) Reach out if you have any questions. I’m happy to help!
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