Hello @NateO9 ,
Please post general support inquiries in our Questions & Discussions board, rather than our Product Ideas (feedback) board. I'll be moving your post accordingly.
Technically speaking, none of your contacts should be getting sent "cold emails," since our email permission policy is that contacts need to have provided either express or implied consent to being emailed, prior to you uploading them into your account.
Assuming that the contacts you're sending to have given you permission to email them, the spam-likelihood is dependent on a myriad of factors, not the least of which is your contacts' individual actions. For example, if contacts spam report and/or unsubscribe from you in large quantities, it will affect the likelihood of your emails ending up in spam, even when sending from outside of our system. If your email address has a less-than-stellar spam score, it can also affect your deliverability.
See also:
Constant Contact’s email send allowance and overage fee
Account Review, List Review, and Compliance FAQ
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