Help! I am an older woman that isn't tech savvy and was told that when I signed up I would have an onboarder call me or contact me to help me get things moving. I received one email from someone calling themselves an onboarder and wanted to schedule an appointment for the end of March when I just signed up for 30 days. How is that supposed to help me or anyone. I would not of signed up for this if it wasn't going to make my life easier! Tonight I tried uploading contacts lol and omg it was a complete **bleep** show. No videos that I could find could help download anything that looked correct. I work on a mac and I have number not excel. I really want this to work and had hope, but right now I want to cry. I hope someone sees this and reaches out to me especially because I just paid for something I can not use! I would like an onboarder that can help me asap! PLEASE trying to remain hopeful Tina
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