The Coalition for Healthy School Food (CHSF) is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit that promotes plant-based foods and nutrition education in schools, to teach the whole school community about the effect of our food choices on health, the environment, equity, and other social justice issues. We help schools around the country, and one of our projects is to communicate with school food service directors by email, via Constant Contact. We have about 16,000 on our list. Each month, we send them an email giving them inspiration for their own health, access to a quantity plant-based recipe that they can make in their schools, and marketing materials for that recipe. We also announce an associated webinar. So far, we have done 3 webinars and we have had food service directors tell us that they are changing how they eat based on the information we are providing! Hopefully, this new knowledge will inspire them to add healthy plant-based entree items to their school menus. Polls that we do on the webinars indicate that we are inspiring them and a large percentage are suggesting that they will be adding the featured recipe to their school lunch menu. We consider that a big win! Thank you Constant Contact for making the communication with them so easy!
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