Hi @UnityMontclair,
Thank you for sharing your email with us!
I like that you have your logo right at the top. And right after you have a clear call-to-action.
The email overall is very long. I recommend this great article that talks about how to fill a newsletter with engaging content. The Zoom link with available numbers breaks the flow a bit. I understand the impetus for including the whole thing, but maybe you could create a calendar invite for the Zoom call and share the calendar invite link instead, so they can review all the numbers there, if necessary. If you have access to the heat map feature, try reviewing what links are being clicked on. If you see that links further down aren't getting as much action, it might mean people are not scrolling that far or the information isn't relevant to them. Is the content in the email relevant to all of your possible contacts? If you haven't played with segmentation before, I recommend trying it out. And consider breaking the email down into multiple email campaigns that serve different purposes or highlight different activities.
The text also varies in size and color. Where possible, try to use a limited color palette and consistent sizing. For example, if your email has multiple headers for different sections, have them all be the same font size (Size 22-24 pt). The same for the standard copy within the section itself (Size 14-16 pt).
It definitely seems like you have a lot of great stuff on offer for your contacts, though! If I think of anything else, I'll jump back in. I hope this helps!
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