Why are we unable to update a registrant's payment status? We could in legacy and yet we can't in the new system. This is much more work and backwards.
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I'm confused. When I set up an Event registration form and we have people attending from the Virgin islands, why would people in the Virgin Islands look in the Country list when the Virgin Islands are part of the United States? Thank You,
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I would like it added to the state pull down list. For example, I don't want Alabama, I want US Virgin Islands. Currently our VI folks select Virginia.
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Good Afternoon,
It's been more than a year and still the US Virgin Islands are not listed in the state list. Why? It's part of the US, so I don't understand why it wasn't included from the beginning.
Thank You,
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Good Morning, The improved survey design is lacking. Now there's no PDF chart reports. Why? You can't even download the charts shown on the results page. Why? Thank You, Christine Call 850-508-0363
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The new feature or changes are NOT user friendly. You don't have a search field on the dashboard and things are not easy to find. Why was it changed? Why make it harder for the user?
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