Hello, So, I'm having trouble understanding the difference between clicks, unique clicks and another metric. These screenshots are all from the same email: Clicks https://millerrec-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/drew_kelly_millerrec_org/EopVfdGbM9RImxt0llrjUwsB9ZoyoPoLj7BOtseDbAd2mg?e=kNQeKe Unique Clicks https://millerrec-my.sharepoint.com/:i:/g/personal/drew_kelly_millerrec_org/EfeLKSVPNT1Fp9vcIpnYao0BKEvz0w8uE5Sdv4bQXA6ioQ?e=l4c2qp When I click on the "48" clicks https://millerrec-my.sharepoint.com/:i:/g/personal/drew_kelly_millerrec_org/EWc4VCGs-d9HiNMoBiivN1oBV2wcbXJCj6w7VtI80GdDkw?e=OOdch6 My guess is "Clicks" is total times someone clicked any link in the email. "Unique Clicks" is one click from one individual user and when I click on the "48" and see 85 total clicks, I don't get how that number is different from the "clicks" metric. Thanks for any help!
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