Most of my customers attempting to register for my events are being blocked by the human verification. It has increased to the point we are going back to manual registrations. I have contacted support many times and they are clueless! Currently there is no point in using the events feature as it will not allow registrants.
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There is an issue with Ticket Add-on(s). The buyer can purchase an "add-on" without buying a "ticket". This should not be. An add-on is in addition to a ticketed sale.
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Where has the ability to share events to social media gone? If the intent was to make the pages more media friendly then why remove the share options!
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I also need the pay by check option or pay at the door option. Several of my clients pay via municipal check or PO. They are now excluded from being able to register without some fancy background discounts. Second why must we only choose one payment method. The old system allowed multiple options and now we can only choose one which is obviously only the ones that make you money! This is not why we chose this platform. You are becoming too greedy.
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We are a training group and also need a global view for the event calendar. The legacy events had the "Attend My Events' widget that populated a listing of of our classes to our website. We also had the link for a full calendar view but our customers want to look at a list of classes and not flip through a calendar. We need the "Attend My Events" widget back.
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