Is there any workaround for text formatting? I have had to keep the first character of the word in each sentence intact and then delete it later because the text format completely disappears if I delete an entire line (say the font is 14 and I'm looking to delete that line and add a new word, it'll go to default settings and I will have to use the already clunky 'always in hovering over your text' text formatting box in order to reformat text, which is not how any word processor works.
In addition, I cannot copy and paste text and it keep source formatting; even text already formatted within the email. As an example I will copy a red, bold faced text and go to paste it over red, bold faced text and it will paste as black, bold faced text. This is incredibly time consuming when trying to copy and update an already formatted email. I don't know if there are settings I can changes or if this is just the limit of Constant Contact. If it's a limit, I would love to see this program act more like a word processing program or word press at the very least.
Also, can the text format box be altered in any way? It's so huge, I don't even understand. Would appreciate any insight. Hoping I'm missing something versus expected to use it in this way. I have a lot of copy paste in my life....
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