Hello @ErnieO ,
If you're already logged in as the owner, you'll just want to update the account's settings to reflect the new ownership, as needed. Right before you hand over the reigns, make sure to hand over the existing username and password to the new owner, and then reset the owner login's MFA preferences. This will require the new owner to login using the credentials, then update the MFA preference for their own.
Once the new owner is logged in, has established their MFA, and then updated the username / password as needed, they can disable their existing Account Manager / Campaign Creator user, if applicable and desired.
We do have an article on transferring account ownership, so I'd definitely recommend following along with this while getting everything setup with the new owners.
As far as your contacts' permissions go, this will be based on what is happening in the immediate transition. If it's simply an ownership change, and the organization itself isn't changing (name, business type, etc.), then the contacts shouldn't need to opt back in.
If the business name is changing, it would be advisable to send out at least one courtesy email to all of your contacts under the old name and from address. That way they're aware of the transition, as well as what the new from address and org name will be. If the org name and from address will be changing, then part of the transition process will also need to include an update to the account's self-authentication, but that would be handled by the new owners and their IT / domain managers.
If the organization's name and business model are changing, then it's definitely advisable to alert contacts while still under the old identity. You can either let contacts know they can unsubscribe via the footer link in your transition notice, or you can send out a reconfirm opt-in email if you have advanced email permissions turned on for your account.
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