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Editing a Forms CSS




I know this topic appears a number of time, but the solutions to the older ones are no longer valid.


I need to work on the CSS for a simple sign up Form.  i.e. make it slimmer for one.


Please tell me how I can access this css code.



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Thank you for reaching out to the Community! Our Sign Up Forms have recently updated, and you now have access to create Inline Forms. You can find out how to create one by clicking here. Once the Sign Up Form has been added to your website, you can make any changes in your Constant Contact account, and they will automatically update without having to re-add the code. With the recent update, manually editing the HTML code is no longer available because changes will update automatically.


In the meantime, if you have any further questions please feel free to reach out to us here. Have a wonderful day!

Taryn Leinweber
Community & Social Media Support

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Thanks Taryn,


I don't understand this as one of the things I need to customize is the width of the Form and I don't see where in Constant Contact I can do that.


Please advise. Thanks

0 Votes

Hello @DanielB1,


The inline form will take CSS styling from your website for elements that are not included when you edit it in Constant Contact such as the width. You can place the inline code section in an area that has a specific width to limit the amount of space the form has to display.

Jimmy D.
Tier II API Support Engineer
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Good discussion, but I need more info. Width is not my challenge. I want to be able to adjust the font size, padding between fields, and my preference is to add placeholder text in the fields instead of using field labels. I appreciate the work you've put into the forms to make them more dynamic, but these additional settings need to be editable in order to match my website.



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Hi @TanahW,


Those sign-up forms, while they do accept some additional styling, for the most part the changes you are looking to make may be a bit more than what our base forms are designed for. You may benefit from creating your own custom sign-up form using out API.


By creating your own custom sign-up form you can create the form to accept pretty much any styling and/or look you want. If you continue to use the forms we provide you will be able to adjust some options by adding/adjusting the CSS on your website, but not everything.


If you want to create your own sign-up form using our API you can find our documentation located here: 

Jimmy D.
Tier II API Support Engineer
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