I have been send our mail scheduler request through https://constantcontact.mashery.com/io-docs for Create a Contact List post method but got response
"error_key": "mashery.not.authorized.over.ratelimit",
"error_message": "The Mashery account associated with this request is over its rate limit quota."
Can anyone help me that what is actual problem here? What I need to do?
Thanks In advance.
Thank you for reaching out to Constant Contact API Developer Support.
This error means that you have reached your daily call limit. Our standard API rate limit is 10,000 calls per day, and 4 calls per second. Once your key has hit its limit, your calls will see this error until the next day (or the next second if going over your queries-per-second limit)
Please let me know if you have any other questions!
David B.
Tier II API Support Engineer
Do we ususally get any error code to this error
error_key":"mashery.not.authorized.over.qps", "error_message":"The Mashery account associated with this request is over its queries-per-second quota
like 500 or anything?
How can I increase this amount of allowed queries?
Hello KyleP797,
Thank you for reaching out to Constant Contact API Developer Support. My team is here to assist outside software developers with questions about building into Constant Contact's API.
As with most APIs, our API has rate limits to help maintain stability and security. Our standard API access has a rate limit of 10,000 calls per day, and 4 calls per second. Once your key has hit its limit, your calls will see this error until the next day (or the next second if going over your queries-per-second limit)
If you are planning on making an application that would be available and potentially used by a large base of customers then I would suggest you look into becoming a Technology Partner with Constant Contact. There is no price involved with this and the basics are to just create and maintain your app, though there are other parts to it. Members of our partner program are given 250,000 calls per day and up to 20 calls per second. To associate your API Key with a partnership, you can look into becoming a Technology Partner: https://www.constantcontact.com/partners/technology
If you are hitting your daily rate limit when adding/updating contacts individually, you could also consider using our bulk contact export and import (multipart or JSON) endpoints instead. It's a lot more efficient on your systems and ours, reducing the number of calls required to update a large list membership to 2 calls. Export the current list, Import the revised list.
Please have a look and let us know if you have any other questions or if your situation doesn’t match either of the solutions above by emailing us at webservices@constantcontact.com with your API Key and the details of your application that would require an increase to your call limits.