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Add Search Option to Campaigns

It would be extremely helpful if I could type a couple words to search for in past campaigns. Then I could easily locate the different emails we have used to market past events we are repeating. Thanks!

Campaign Contributor

I agree with VickiS1 completely! It's crazy that CC doesn't have a SEARCH! Please add ASAP!

Please give us a search option. Having to scroll through email campaigns to find one from two years ago is not efficient or user friendly. I really do not care for the scrolling option and miss the arrow buttons we had previously.
Such a shame that you decided to change your operating format for your users. The other design was very user friendly and allowed people to navigate very quickly. For example, now you have to search through ALL old emails, etc. to find things that you may want to copy and re-use. This is very disappointing and I can assure you we will be looking for a new service. You have also limited the creative options which was the appeal of your site before. What a shame. Looks like pure cost cost cutting at the expense of your customer. Jan Madura - Building Blocks Lacrosse
Campaign Contributor

I agree there needs to be a search function. I don't understand why you all changed a good thing.

It would be great to have a search bar to easily find the campaigns that I name very specifically, rather than loading all the data and using Ctrl + F.
Hi - with your new format not allowing me to go to pages to view old campaigns, I would like it if we could search old campaigns. I do similar promos at the same time each year. I'd like to be able to see/use/copy my old campaigns.
Brand Visionary

I agree with all of the above. I have called and written about this numerous times. Constant Contact...Hellooooo? Are you listening????

I would like to be able to search my campaigns so I don't have to scroll through to find them every time.
Hi, You know what would be really helpful?? When cleaning up contacts manually, when i hit the back button, it doesnt take me to the same category and page i was on before clicking on a name to edit it. For example, I click on bounced emails, and every time i have to move to the next page, move to the next page, find the contact i want to edit, edit it, and then i press the back button and where does it take me? back to the SENT category. so now i must click bounced, move to next page. move to next page, find my place again, and then edit the next contact. This is extremely time consuming and a little frustrating! Thanks! MK
I have a couple hundred campaigns and it's extremely time-consuming to find a specific one.
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