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Add Search Option to Campaigns

It would be extremely helpful if I could type a couple words to search for in past campaigns. Then I could easily locate the different emails we have used to market past events we are repeating. Thanks!

Campaign Collaborator

With the new format it's been difficult to find earlier email campaigns I created to use again and copy. A "Search" function to search by date or campaign name or other keywords would be very helpful. Also, in the past I was able to edit individual blocks of text using the HTML codes. (Examples were editing for superscripts, fractions, copyrights, trademarks, etc.). This is not an option with the new format. Please consider bringing HTML block editing back or ad new functionality in text editing for superscripts, fractions, copyrights, trademarks...

Thank you.

Please implement a past emails search. We have emails that go out quarterly and yearly and, since we send a lot of emails, they get buried deep and i waste an inordinate amount of time searching for the previous one (which is a bit less time than I would spend recreating it from scratch). I have requested this feature numerous times in the years we have been with you...
After the recent updates the website is very slow to use and hard to navigate. When selecting campaigns it is slow to show the check mark and move to the folder. There is also no Search function and this makes looking up / organizing very difficult after the fact.
We have over a thousand campaigns. It would be useful if there were a search function so you don't have to keep clicking to see more campaigns. Or have an option for 50-100 per page. It's taking way too long to find a campaign from 3 years ago. I love Constant Contact, but it will be really cumbersome to have to go through this every time I need to find an old campaign.

I was just about to post a very similar feedback!!  I am glad to see I am not the only one a bit frustrated with the new layout. 

I hope this gets resolved sooner than later - LIKE ASAP!!:smileyindifferent:

Campaign Contributor
Great work on the new design! Love that campaigns are now grouped by "type." However, one feature we were hoping to see would be a search function to be able to search for specific emails sent in the past. In addition, now that the campaigns are all on one page it is more cumbersome to search for campaigns sent, say, one year ago, because the browser has to load all the information in a single frame.
Campaign Expert

Your new format is unacceptable.  Previously we could quickly find old campaigns and update them for current use,  There were  thumbnails available besides dates and pages which made searching and updating easier.  You've now made using your service much more difficult, especially for long term subscribers. We've always really liked using Constant Contact, but we're going to be forced to leave your service if this "upgrade" isn't changed again quickly.


the new look and function of the system sucks. sucks big time. they just moved things and look around- it doesn't make it easier to search, and now there is more work to get to what i need. Sucks. Sucks Sucks. Looking for another system.
Your company is great but the biggest flaw, and it is a big one, is that I can't find anyway to search for an email campaign that I sent or is a draft. It is a huge pain in the A-- to have to scroll through years of campaigns to find one I'm looking for. Please fix this problem. Tojm
Hello! The new format is nice, but it would be extremely helpful to have a way to search for past campaigns by title or keywords. Those of us who have been using the platform for years may have hundreds of emails to comb through for reference.
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