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Email Support

Dear ConstantContact, 


You seem to no longer publish an actual email address for which your paying subscribers can contact you directly; now there is this "idea" forum and "community". Along with your tedious new automatic robotic, automated telephone system, now we are required to submit "ideas" instead of just sending you a private direct email. Why does CC continue to create more distance between your team and your subscribers?


I am writing with a complaint that I have voiced many times and seldom have received a reply:


Please stop subjecting paying subscribers to unwanted and, in my opinion, unnecessary, pop-ups and teasers and other extraneous message content. We should have an option to opt out, as paying subscribers. Yet your company stubbornly refuses to offer this and, indeed, even to acknowledge the very existence of this ever-growing barrage of uwanted "messages". 



Top Answer

As part of our updated feedback statuses, we are updating this idea as Acknowledged. While we recognize the desire for alternate forms of support, past offerings of email support created long turnaround times and frustration over issues that could not be resolved over email, and customers would need to call our Support department. There is also the issue of account security to ensure we are talking to a verified account user. This is not something we can do over email.


At this time, we do not have plans to include email support. Should we hear any updates in the future, we will post them here.


For account assistance, please call or chat with our Support team.


I had one  quick question, and did not really have time to call customer service. I had to in the end, but I wish there were also a way to email a quick question. I tried the chat online and was cut off, Rep that I talked to solved the problem for me but I really wanted to just send the question in to find out if I needed to call, later.

Campaign Collaborator

I want to add my complaint -- I also find it a great inconvenience that you have no offline support option. My work week is different from yours and the hours don't match, so I kindly request that you reinstate an e-mail support option. That method also supports screen shots, which are often necessary to explain an issue clearly.

Status changed to: Voting Open

Thank you for your feedback on this idea! I will be opening this idea up so other users can vote and comment on this idea as well! 


It is frustrating that I can't find an email address to contact the company. As you can imagine, working people utilize this website and don't always have time to make phone calls during the day. I understand you are selling a product and calling me is what you want to do to keep me as a customer. I have recommended CC to other people I know because it is an amazing product for those that have the time or a team member the run the site. I have a very small non-profit that helps children in foster care and all of my board members have full-time jobs. we've paid CC a lot of money for such a small non-profit and we have never used the service. I can't get the money back that we lost but I'd like an easier cancelation policy without a phone call from a salesperson, please.



Lori Souza

Brand Influencer

I can't contact CC by email or by chat. What happened to the good customer service we used to experience?

Brand Influencer

I agree. It is so annoying not to be able to contact CC via email. Chat doesn't work either. Here's what the chat bot said: "We’re sorry! We’re unable to handle questions related to Account Reviews or List Reviews via chat. Please give our award winning support a call for further assistance. 

US & Canada: 866-433-8499 
UK: 0808 234 9315 
International: +01 339-222-5900 "

Status changed to: Open Questions

You are correct that we no longer have email support, however we still do have the ability to reach support via chat! Where are you looking in your account to be able to connect with us? 


It would be great if I could send you an email about my account instead of having to call. I reduced my contact list below 500 and would like to move my account to the lowest monthly billing effective on this statement upcoming. Thank you. Lucy Grist 


Hello - how come "Email Support" is not one of the options on the page?  You have call and chat support but that requires that I be available immediately.  For a non-urgent question, it would be good to have email so I can just sent and get a reply when you can.

Thank you.


Honestly, I was considering canceling or suspending my account simply because we don't use it often enough, with the idea that I would return if our situation changes.  Now that I've looked into a quick and easy way to suspend or cancel and realized that there is no quick and easy way (in 2020, of all things) to do so, my mind is made up.  It is crazy that something so simple requires a phone call during business hours.

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