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Open Answer option for poll action block

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I recently tried to create a poling option for my customers, and I had about 5 questions to ask them.  I discovered that I needed to click on the poling option every time I needed to create a new question, and that other than a yes or no answer, I couldn't create a response where they could write words.  Once the customer clicked an answer, it went immediately to a "thank you" page.  Most of my customers didn't know what to do from there.  They saw there were other questions, but they didn't know how to get back.  A customer support person wrote a "how to" to follow up my e-mail (which was awesome except for the misspellings).  Some people went back and did it, but most did not.  This totally scews my results.  Suggestion: I would like to be able to create as many questions as I want by just clicking ONCE for a poling option.  I'd also like to create an option where people can write words to better clarify their answers.  I had to include my e-mail, hoping they would just write me back.  My worry was that if they received too many e-mails about this poling situation, they would just unsubscribe, and think I was spam.  That did happen with just one other e-mail trying to clarify how to use that e-mail.

Status changed to: Gathering Information

Hello @TerryJ4 ,


Thank you for the feedback and use case. With that said, based on your description, it doesn't sound like the poll block's explicit simplicity is really the best option for what you're trying to do. 


Would a survey page fulfill what you're trying to do in a better format? This way you'd have more control over the layout and questions being asked, as well give your contacts the ability to respond with more thought-out responses. They'd have the ability to select more than one response, and they'd only be redirected to the thank you page once they've submitted their full responses.

Status changed to: Acknowledged
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