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Report of clicks on single URL across multiple campaigns

0 Votes

I'm looking for something similar, but I'd like to get clicks by link address across ALL campaigns.  In this case, I want to find historical clicks on my website contact page:  e.g.  http://mysite(dot)com/contact


I'd love to get  subscriber names, email address, phone, campaign name, dates/time clicked   

Status changed to: Voting Open

Hi @MichaelS64123 thank you for sharing this feedback with us! It appears your feature request is different from the original thread you commented on. Because of this we have moved your post into a thread of its own. Being able to view a reporting of clicks on single URL across multiple campaigns is a great feature request! In fact we have opened up this idea so other users can weigh in as well. The more requests or votes an idea receives the higher of a priority it can be given by our Product Team.

Status changed to: Acknowledged
Status changed to: Not Currently Planned

Thank you for the idea. At this time, we do not have plans to introduce this functionality in the Reporting tool.

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