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Send automated reminder emails

I would love to see your events include two automated emails. One that goes out at a specified time before the event to contacts who haven't responded yet reminding them of the event. The second would go out a specified amount of time before the event to those contacts that have RSVP that they are attending reminding them that the event is upcoming.

Campaign Contributor
There needs to be a setting by which you can simply click "yes" in order to have an automatic reminder email sent to registrants the day before the event. It's way too time consuming and labor intensive to have to log back into Constant Contact and create such an email, or even to have to "create" it at the time of creating the event. It can be very simple and basic - just a standard text email. There need not be a matching template, theme, or color palate.

Hi Madeline,


Thanks so much for your feedback. I think that's a great idea! Our developers will be looking into this for you. We appreciate your suggestions so we can help you work more efficiently for the succcess fo your events. Please keep voting for this and any other feature you want to see. 


Have a great day,



Social Support and Community

Campaign Expert
I would like to see two additional email types for events. One would go out at a specified time before the event reminding contacts from the original email list that the event is upcoming and they need to register. The second would go out at a specified time before the event to registered contacts reminding them that the event is upcoming (like the day before).

Thanks for posting, I can see how automating this process would be helpful! 


I would love to be able to create auto-generated, reminder emails to my event campaigns - basically sending reminder emails to all registrants on a set day/time. Right now I have to manually create these - and cant create a reminder unless there is someone already registered for the event. 

Campaign Contributor

Is there any update on developing this feature? In the age of online events, it would be nice to have automated reminder emails now more than ever.


I would like to completely setup an event when I create it, including reminders and post-event surveys. I can not do this since it is required to have one registration to setup the emails. since we put on a lot of these events, I want to make a template of each type of event where we change the date of the event and publish it. because I need to wait for a registration, I then have to come back into the event before the data and schedule the emails then.

Status changed to: Voting Open

Hi @ScottH219 thanks for sharing this feedback with us! We have opened up this idea so other users can weigh in as well.

Status changed to: Acknowledged

We're updating the status of this idea to more accurately reflect its current status with our engineering team and also made slight changes to the subject line in order for it to be more easily found. We can't guarantee a commitment to deliver on the idea but should indicate some awareness that we have heard your feedback and could be taken under consideration for a future release. 


The Event notification defaults are confirmation and decline responses, but no option to have a reminder email a day or two before the event. That would be a great addition to the notifications.

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