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Show social posts on Marketing Calendar

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I like that you are integrating the social feature in your platform. but unless your can schedule post for future days it doesn't help to the fullest. I'm currently using hootsuite and I like to schedule the whole month in advance.


Hi @CassusMedia


Where in your account are you looking for the option to filter your social posts? Does the current filters available under the Campaigns tab of your account help fit your needs?


Status changed to: Clarifying
Constant Contact Partner

It's helpful, but I would like to be able to filter out which accounts I look at - scheduled, posted, otherwise. Just like when we are able to choose which ones to post to in the first place.

Constant Contact Partner

This should be available both in List and Calendar views, of course.


Hi @CassusMedia


The good news is being able to filter campaigns by campaign type and status is available in both the list and calendar view. However being able to filter social posts even further by the specific social account is not an available feature. With that said, while we can't guarantee a commitment to deliver on this idea we would be happy to update its status. We hope this indicates some awareness that we have heard your feedback and will continue to collect both requests along with use case examples from other users on this thread as well.

Status changed to: Gathering Information
Constant Contact Partner

Thank you Frankie! I appreciate your team's attention to this request. I look forward to seeing new available features from Constant Contact. :smileyface:

Status changed to: Closed - Implemented

Scheduled social posts should now appear on the marketing calendar. They will be indicated by the speech bubble icon to differentiate them from the other campaign types. See screenshot:2022-10-26 11_06_22-Constant Contact.png

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