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The way surveys are set up is not functional for the survey creator. I can't show my team this survey without making it live, I can't send a test to anyone without publishing it. I can't copy and paste the content for other uses.

Hi @Michelle_Colorado


Thanks for sharing this feedback with us! Does the current preview mode available in survey pages help fit your needs? Users have the option to preview and test your Survey Page before publishing, by clicking on the thumbnail image of your survey from the Campaigns tab and copy the URL to share it with them. Just note, no test responses will be recorded from the preview link. As for copying and pasting your content, are you looking to copy your survey page campaign?

Status changed to: Open Questions
Status changed to: Closed - No Action

Thank you for taking the time to post in the Community. We haven't heard back from you so we are going to close this idea. This doesn't mean that we aren't listening to your feedback! Please feel free to comment or vote on any of the other open ideas to let us know what you would like to see.

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