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Add custom fields to reports (i.e. bounces, open, etc)

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Campaign Collaborator
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When we upload users, we add a UserID custom field to be used when downloading Constant Contact reports. Unfortunately, CC does not currently allow us to export reports with any custom fields. This ability would allow for better reporting while keeping personally identifiable information hidden and at the same time allowing easier deactivations of bounced users.


Does anyone have a simillar requirement and how are you currently working around this issue?


Hello @BITI0 ,

Custom fields are certainly helpful within Constant Contact. One thing that might be helpful is when you export Bounced contacts or Opens from the Reporting section of a sent campaign; the export will include all fields for the contact. So the export would include custom fields, including your UserID along with email address, name, etc.

Mary S.
Community & Social Media Support

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Hello @BITI0 ,

Custom fields are certainly helpful within Constant Contact. One thing that might be helpful is when you export Bounced contacts or Opens from the Reporting section of a sent campaign; the export will include all fields for the contact. So the export would include custom fields, including your UserID along with email address, name, etc.

Mary S.
Community & Social Media Support

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You're not alone on your email marketing journey. Connect with a Marketing Advisor to see how they can help you develop the right strategy for your business and get the most out of your Constant Contact experience.
Campaign Collaborator
0 Votes

Hi Mary_S,


Thanks for responding to my question. I exported the bounces list and discovered exactly what you described. I was happy to see that all my custom fields were exported!



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