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Event Admissions and Processing Fees

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We are having our first event since the almost 100% increase in payment fees when you have people pay for events through Constant Contact. I have been told by CC that the fee increase was on the WePay end and I have been told by WePay that it is on the CC side. Does anyone know which company actually added the additional fees?

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Is there any way, during the event registration process, to invite (but not require) participants to cover the new event platform fee?

0 Votes

Hello @PortlandLiteracyCouncil ,


If you're wanting to make the coverage of the platform fee  an optional element for your registrants to pay for, you can include those as items. You'd want to likely include a description of why you're asking for the optional extra amount, explaining that your providers charge transaction fees on all online purchases and that any additional amount the registrants pay help to offset this amount. For example, the setup might look something like this in the Event Settings:


Screenshot 2021-11-16 102620.jpg


And on the registration form, as an example:


Screenshot 2021-11-16 102832.jpg


You can have up to 100k of a single item available. Depending on the price of your event, you may want to increase or decrease the cost of the item, or add varying values of items (e.g. $3 coverage, $10 coverage, etc.) I'd recommend going through this article , which covers how to add items to your event, and includes pricing for the transaction fees as guidance for adjusting your pricing.

William A
Community & Social Media Support
0 Votes

If we are hosting a FREE event are we still subject to CC Platform fees per ticket "sold"?




No, as there's nothing to charge there's no service fees being applied for processing those charges.

William A
Community & Social Media Support
0 Votes

Hi @UTFood , 


I apologize for the confusion! The fees are coming from both sides. Constant Contact charges 2.5% + $0.50, and WePay charges 2.9% + $0.30, for a total or 5.4% + $0.80 per transaction. By default, these fees are subtracted from the amount that you charge your registrants and is reflected in your WePay balance.

Amanda G.
Community & Social Care
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Campaign Collaborator
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Is there a way to pass the fees on to the purchaser?  I am able to do that in other systems.

0 Votes

Hello @KarenP8174 ,


This is an available option in the Event Settings , where your other event admission elements can be edited. However, it would only apply to our own platforming fee, not WePay or PayPal's processing fees.

William A
Community & Social Media Support
Campaign Collaborator

Got it.  I was hoping I could do it through a setting in WePay

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