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Facebook lead ad

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It doesn't look like my ad published. What is wrong?

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Hello @RobertS9059 ,


It looks like the ad doesn't have any error messages from a failed or rejected publish, it's simply still in Draft. Looking at it, the budget and schedule still seem incomplete. Once you've finalized your budget and schedule for the ad, are you able to publish?

William A
Community & Social Media Support
0 Votes

I am having a similar issue. I have redone the budget and schedule twice now. The Ad remains in draft. 

0 Votes

Hello @TonyF490 ,


The only element I see being flagged in your drafted lead ad is your start date. Since the lead ad still needs to be approved on the Facebook side, I'd advise setting the start date at least a day or two in the future from the day you attempt to publish.

William A
Community & Social Media Support
0 Votes

Hey William, 

After your response on 4/19, I readjusted the ad start date to 5/1 and put in the budget again. The ad still is showing in draft. 

0 Votes

Then I'd advise calling support for live troubleshooting at this point.

William A
Community & Social Media Support
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