GIF image not working in email

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I have set up a campaign using a GIF image. In the campaign it looks great and is acting fine. When I send myself a test email, the GIF is not working. We have tried this by sending a test email to both a Mac and PC and it's not working in either case. How should I troubleshoot why the GIF is not working in the email when it works fine in the campaign editor tool?

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Hello @ChadT3 ,


What email program are you using to view the email? Not all email clients, particularly Outlook, support animated GIFs.


Is the issue occurring in other email programs? Does it occur when using email mobile apps? Does the affected email program allow gifs to play in it, based on your settings or its default functionality?


See also:

Using Animated GIF Images in an Email Campaign

Community Blog: Display Issues

William A
Community & Social Media Support
0 Votes

Both the Mac and PC computers where we sent the test is using Gmail. And I checked my phone and it's not working there either.

0 Votes

 I just did an Inbox Preview for the campaign and it's not working on any of the platforms shown in the preview. But the image works great in the actual campaign. Any ideas where I can troubleshoot?

0 Votes

I was able to recreate the issue when the gif was a doctor in a lab coat, but when I was working with our Tier 2 team to further test / troubleshoot it looks like the gif might've been changed to a person in a business suit? Did you make this change, and is the newer gif working on your end for test sends?

William A
Community & Social Media Support
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