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Stopping duplicate email address and allowing someone to sign up more than one person

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Hello. I understand one can limit the number of people who can register with one email address. However, that does not serve our situation. We do want one person to be able to sign up with one email address and add as many tickets as they need. What we do not want is the person using the same email address more than once. So, is there a solution for the question - How do you stop someone from entering their email address more than once and still let them order multiple tickets with the one email address? Thank you. Ann

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Hello @AnnH62 ,


I think there's some confusion here regarding how the email-limit works for events, because what you're wanting is the functionality of the limit. You can have multiple tickets, and allow multiple of each type to be selected during a single registration. The toggle-able option for limiting email addresses only affects the full registration, so someone can't make multiple registrations using the same email address. 


For guidance on toggling this on for an event, please see our article on customizing event registration pages


See also:

Events FAQ

William A
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