Hi! We currently use CC as a way for multiple agents within our real estate firm to send out newsletters, all managed by one person. What has been done previously to me seems incredibly clunky: for each newsletter we create a copy of the last person's and then replace all of the images and links with the next person's info. For example, we have an image header with the agent's headshot, and that image needs to change for each agent, as well as the link associated with the image. This takes around 5 minutes per person. That can be extremely time consuming for a large number of people.
I feel like there has to be a better solution for this. If I were working in InDesign, I would be using data merge and some custom javascript to keep a list of all agents with associated image files and links, and each time a newsletter was created I would just data merge all of the agents and have a full list of customized pages within a couple of minutes. I feel like this would be possible with the level of service provided by CC, but I can't find any information (searching for anything dealing with "merging" immediately returns nothing but things from people trying to merge in contacts).
I'm also interested in any other time-saving solutions that aren't data merging, so suggestions are welcome. Thank you so much!