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Why is my email showing up as super wide in Outlook?

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The e-blast I sent out this afternoon is showing up as super-wide in Outlook. It basically looks like blank white space in the preview until you use the scroll bars to either scroll right or down. Usually my emails show up with a different font in Outlook, which is not a huge deal since the content is still visible, but this issue might actually prevent people from reading the email. Our view in browser link within the email is not visible unless you scroll right, but I was able to use the Outlook version "If there are problems with how this message is displayed, click to view in browser."


Is there a reason this is happening on this particular email, but not the others that I usually send? I am using the same Email Template I do for all of our e-blasts.


My email campaign link:



Thanks in advance for any insight into this issue!

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Hello @user11706 ,


I'd recommend reaching out to Outlook support to see what insight they'd have if this hasn't been a consistent issue with the emails you send through our system. 


I'd also recommend taking a look at this Community blog post, which covers some of the elements of designing emails for a variety of email programs, what pitfalls to avoid and can't be avoided, and what workarounds are available.

William A
Community & Social Media Support
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