Welcome to Share & Get Ideas - What To Know Before You Post


What is Share & Get Ideas all about? Is it just another support board? In a word, yes. However, it is much more. The purpose of Share & Get Ideas is for Constant Contact users and support agents to engage in dialogue about marketing best practices, tips and tricks for improving engagement, and direct feedback on your websites, landing pages, and email campaigns!


We want to hear from you! Share your work and share your insight.


What can I share on Share & Get Ideas? 


  • Websites designed in Constant Contact
  • Email campaigns designed in Constant Contact
  • Landing pages designed in Constant Contact
  • Tips and tricks for using Constant Contact
  • General marketing advice


Constant Contact’s suite of products provides an array of marketing opportunities and there’s a lot to learn. Lean on your fellow members in the Community and we support folk will be right behind you.


Are you worried that you’re utilizing too many colors in your email design? Are you not sure if the website you’ve designed is guiding prospective customers to the right places? Help! Any tips for making this image pop more? Get advice on Get Advice!


How can I share on Share & Get Ideas?



How to get the most out of your post on Share & Get Ideas?


As always, remember to be kind and courteous to your fellow Community members and the support staff. Feedback should be constructive! 


When creating a post, think about what kind of advice you want to get back from people. The more information you can provide about your goals and what you’ve done so far, the more potential and relevant feedback you may receive. Here are some examples: 


Websites & Landing Pages


  • Provide a URL of your website.
  • Call out specific sections of the website you want potential advisors to focus on.
  • Do the colors complement each other?
  • How is the text-to-image ratio?
  • Where should I place a sign-up form [applicable to websites] or other call-to-actions?
  • Is the navigation on the website confusing?


Email Campaigns


  • Share a screenshot of or provide a URL of your email campaign.
  • Give an idea of what kind of audience you are trying to reach.
  • Similar to websites, share what list growth tools you are utilizing or think you should use?
  • What have your Open rates been like so far? Bounces? Etc.
  • Design: Like websites, think about the text-to-image ratio, the complementary colors, organization of information, and call-to-actions.


Tips and Tricks for using Constant Contact


Constant Contact’s Knowledge Base and Blog offer a bevy of in-house how-tos and advice, but even we can’t think of everything (though we’re trying)! As the frontline users of Constant Contact, maybe you’ve thought of a cool workaround or trick to help in your workflow--share it here!


General Marketing Advice


General marketing advice is fairly broad in scope, so we want to nail down what you should consider if you’re asking or offering advice. Ideally, said advice should tie back to using Constant Contact, because that is what we’re all here for. However, Constant Contact services so many different industries, and not all marketing advice is one-shoe-fits-all. 


  • Clearly highlight in the post title what industry, if any, your advice is for.
  • Self-promotion is currently allowed in your Signature. Make sure to check out our guidelines for crafting a signature.
  • We can’t provide a fully comprehensive marketing plan, nor can we expect our fellow Constant Contact users to as well. 
  • This is more for targeted advice, like promoting a fundraising event or nurturing leads to grow your audience.

Caitlin M.
Community Manager
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73% of SMBs express doubt that their marketing strategy is effective. Does this sound familiar? Read our Small Business Now Report to learn how you can tweak your strategy to see better results.

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