Hello @BarryT77,
If you use WordPress.org, please see the steps below:
Copy the code for the widget.
From the Dashboard on the left-hand side, select Pages > All Pages.
Click on the name of the page where you want to add the code.
Click the Text tab on the right-hand side.
Paste the code into the text block where you want the form to display.
In the Publish section, click Update.
For help adding the code to your Wordpress.org website, please contact your webmaster or view Wordpress.org's support.
If you use Wordpress.com, please see the information below:
Wordpress.com is not the same as Wordpress.org. Wordpress.com doesn't support 3rd party Javascript or plugins of any kind. If you're using Wordpress.com, you can create your own email archive by copying the permanent URLs for your sent emails and using them to create text links in your wordpress.com webpage.
For help adding text links to your Wordpress.com website, please contact your webmaster or view Wordpress.com's support.
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