(Can't edit previous comment). At a minimum when exporting a list, I'd like to be able to include columns for open rate and click rate so I can easily calculate my own "engagement rate for any given list or segment of a list" This would be basic business intelligence to inform marketing and promotion efforts by demographic or geography or any other attribute we can track.
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You have engagement levels, but make them: 1. Sortable by list membership 2. Make the level a column so it can be exported and sorted in excel for reporting about lists or segments
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Thank you for that clarification. Please note that it would be nice to set all email types and forget them prior to launching the event. Another tool we have access to does that. Not a deal-breaker, but a feature for your consideration.
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I would also like to see this functionality added. I perform this manual task 5 days a week. Plz forward to developers for consideration.
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As I understand it, the Archive widget is built manually AND it is not list-specific. Those are the the two key features I wish ConCon had.
Thank you for considering.
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Please create something that shows about 20 recent emails to the same list:
I find that to be a valuable tool to share with my list in case they missed a couple recent emails.
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Please create a way for me to email or share a campaign report with people who don't have a login. And hopefully it will be a live report that they can come back to as time passes. Thanks, Sean @WSSDA
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A report has a link to "Set your industry" for comparison data, but the link goes to my profile page where there's no info about how to do that.
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