Hello @RichardJ691 ,
We wouldn't have any insight on externally developed systems. As far as adding coded sign-up forms to websites, all we can really guarantee is the code for the forms. If you need support regarding their system, we'd advise reaching out to them.
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Good day Let me explain what happened. (I know you are aware of this but I want to explain what happened.) When a person subscribes to our newsletter they are now required to confirm there email address. The email is sent to them and they need to click on the confirmation link. So what happened is that about three people did not confirm and I knew them. So I wanted to send out another confirmation email. I thought I found the link to do so but it turns out that everyone on the list now has to reconfirm, which is about 500 subscribers. They could of accidently deleted the email or just forgot. I am hoping that the software tech person could do something that people could do to send out another email so that they could re-comfirm. Thanks
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Hello @RichardJ691 ,
Besides including names as part of subject line personalization, you can also insert greeting tags and contact details into your email's body.
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