Hello @DebraP51 ,
It looks like you posted in our Products Idea board. For general support inquiries, please post in our Questions & Discussions board. I'll be moving your post to that board.
Regarding your question about a "business email," if you don't already have one setup, this would come down to whomever you have your domain setup through, assuming you have your own website, or are paying for a domain. This will entirely depend on whichever entity hosts your DNS records. There are resources online for determining who hosts your DNS records, such as this site.
If you do have a business email already setup (e.g. @YourBusinessName.com), then you'd go through the self-authenitcation process, and get the applicable address(es) verified on your account.
I'd honestly recommend checking our Community's Email Authentication FAQ for more details on this, as these need to be setup on a case-by-case basis outside of our system.
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