A very high bounce rate can mean a number of things:
The list has a lot of invalid or incorrect email addresses or they are old.
If you're using purchased or scraped email lists, they might contain a lot of invalid or inactive addresses.
The subject line might be triggering a filter. You can use Constant Contact’s subject line checker that appears below the Subject line field or use a free subject line tester such as https://www.omnisend.com/subject-line-tester/
Constant Contact has a great feature that identifies emails that are “Recommended for Removal.” These are suspended, non-existent and undeliverable bounce types that should be removed because they are unlikely to become active emails again. We usually see only a small number of emails that are identified as such and we use this to clean our client’s list. Here is a video that explains the feature – it is very helpful. https://youtu.be/E3Vsn7UAfF8?feature=shared
If we see an unusually high bounce rate for our clients, we often look further into the reasons why and work with Constant Contact’s deliverability team. Our clients do not generally have extremely high bounce rates. If you are experiencing an unusually high number of bounces that you haven’t experienced before, there may be an underlying reason that needs to be examined. If we can be of any help to clean up your email list, please reach out.
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