Let's Play Bingo in Week 4 of the Ready, Set, Send Challenge!

Get Advice: Wave Hello to Summer Sweepstakes


The sweepstakes is now closed! Thank you to all who participated and we are working on selecting the winner now!


Get Advice: Wave Hello to Summer Sweepstakes


Surf’s up! Spring is in swing and the summer is comin’ in hot! We’re excited to announce a new Sweepstakes for the Community! This month we’re interested in hearing more about your marketing strategies for the summer. Some industries thrive and others might use the summer as a refresh period to prepare for the autumn and winter seasons. We want to hear about it all!


How to Enter: Ride the waves to this thread and reply with a written response, 280 characters minimum, that covers any number of topics relating to how you plan to market for the summer season, and earn one entry toward the sweepstakes. 


Some topic ideas, for example:


  • Share email design tips
  • Subject line ideas
  • Use of other Constant Contact tools (Landing pages, sign-up forms, etc.)
  • Specific holidays you focus on
  • Contacts management suggestions


These are just some ideas. You’re the experts!


But wait, there’s more! Share a URL or screenshot along with your response of your email template design and earn one additional entry toward the sweepstakes! This is optional, but we would love to see what our customers are working on.


What’s the prize? One lucky winner will receive a $100 credit on their Constant Contact account!


The sweepstakes will run from May 10, 2021 through June 8, 2021. Once completed, we will select one winner at random and notify them.


If you are the winner we will notify you by the contact email address listed on your Constant Contact account, so make sure it is up-to-date! Thank you.


Questions? Let us know below!




*No Purchase Necessary. The Constant Contact Community Get Advice: Wave Hello to Summer Sweepstakes is open to legal residents of the 50 United States (and D.C), 18 years or older. For Official Rules, visit here. Promotion ends on June 8, 2021 at 11:59 PM ET. The Sweepstakes is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Khoros, Pinterest, or Twitter.

Content Manager

Elevate your marketing with Constant Contact's Professional Design Services! From eye-catching email templates to custom branding and social media graphics, our professional design services are tailored to boost your business's impact and engagement.

Campaign Contributor

Our company has multiple divisions for Custom Home Building & Remodeling, Real Estate, Apartment Rentals, and Property Management.  We also have a charity that helps provide home repairs to people in our local community who need a hand up.

This summer, we’ll be riding the wave with Constant Contact for multiple campaigns:

  • One-off emails to inform our build customers about the progress of their home
  • Monthly newsletters to our apartment residents and blogs to all our lists
  • Integrated campaign combining emails with direct mail to solicit new real estate listings
  • Referral & survey campaigns to all our customers
  • Solicitation campaign for charity donations
  • And event invitations for 4 customer events

We’ve connected our social pages to Constant Contact, so we’ll be able to integrate all our email campaigns with social.

Other tools we use through Constant Contact to support our campaigns are landing pages, surveys,    Facebook lead ads.

Our March Apartment resident contest email was sent to 654 email addresses. We had a 59% open rate and 28% click through rate. https://conta.cc/3qWBK28

Love, love, love Constant Contact!


I have a small bookstore in a very small town is S Jersey.  I use Constant Contact to reach my customers because we haven't got a newspaper, a penny saver, or a radio station.  I do draw customers from about 25 miles in different directions as I'm the only used bookstore in the county.  I'm only in my third week but I used CC last week to promote the fact that we were going to be part of the area yard sales with our own sale under the tent outside the store.  As we are close to the beaches in S Jersey my recent campaign is pushing books to take to the shore.  As soon as school is out and people will be going to the beach more often I'll be promoting the fact you can buy a book at the store on Friday when you go thru town on the way to the beach, bring it back on Sunday on your return home and get half your money back.  

0 Votes

I am head of Marketing for a Thrift Store/Food Pantry in northern Michigan. I use Constant Contact to create a weekly flyer and also occasional Breaking News bulletins for our subscribers. Our flyers usually have home-made graphics for our weekly sales, news about our own store/pantry or general info such as thrifting tips as well as what's happening with our partner organizations. I use graphics and photos liberally throughout and also have links to our home-grown animations and videos. I also provide weekly content to our local Chamber of Commerce for their weekly blast that is also created using Constant Contact. Often I use the graphics from Constant Contact in my social media posts and on our Web site. CC is an indispensable tool for our marketing program.

Campaign Contributor
0 Votes

While our firm is small -- only 7 employees -- our technical reach is worldwide. Constant Contact enables us to stay in touch with clients, prospects, and partners across the continents. The Events feature of the platform enables us to organize, promote and manage our online workshops and webinars. We count on feedback from Constant Contact's Surveys to hone our offerings and know what is most important to our software user base. Our Contacts List has grown through the easy automated sign up form we've added to our website. Additionally, advice to give people many ways to be added to our mailing list and to say "yes" has worked wonderfully. Note the wording on one of our website pages which was added after reading one of your blog posts: 


Thanks, Constant Contact, for keeping us in touch safely! 


Campaign Collaborator
0 Votes

Well, we just saw this, and we just sent our CC out 4 hours ago, this morning, so our current open rate is just 24% (we're anticipating a 35-45% open rate within 36 hours of send), but we're game to share!

We inaugurated, on Memorial Day, a Summer Challenge as a matching grant from an anonymous donor. This donor sees that we get $25, $50, $100 donations but wants to see other supporters to think a bit bigger: $1,000 donations will qualify to be matched if made between now and Labor Day.

As you can imagine, asking small donors to dig 10 or 20 times deeper was a challenge all its own! We created this graphic, placed it on our home page, explained it in a blog post, and then used our list of 2000 supporters to receive the broadcast email. Here's a link to our email (and if you love history enough to donate $1,000, we'd love it! LOL) https://conta.cc/3uGWFYU

0 Votes

We are a "small but mighty" non-profit cat rescue--the "underdog" in a huge area of animal rescues. In spite of this challenge, and thanks to CC, we are becoming more well known. As a volunteer web manager, I send out monthly emails using CC templates (I would like to see a "paw print" background, if you can do that). CC makes it easy to upload pictures of our adoptable cats, plus graphics. I've also used the CC Library of free stock photos. I must say, our emails are very appealing. We almost always get a 35-45% open rate, and many clicks. We use a CC sign-up form on our website, and also the automated "Welcome" emails. All in all, CC has enabled us to compete with the "big boys" and find loving homes for our beautiful cats (and sometimes dogs)!

0 Votes

I'm an artist who used to sell my art at art shows in various states over the summer.   I'm now able to quit traveling and stay home.  I depend on Constant Contact to market my creations through monthly emails.  My customers love to see photos of my new pieces and have been taking advantage of my offers of free shipping and personalized cards that accompany gift mailings.   You can see how wonderfully the template shows them off!  

Robert Shields



0 Votes

We are a cleaning service so finding ways to advertise during a season when everyone is gone is a tricky plan. For June, we tried to create a newsletter format that lays out why this month is special. It is right between Memorial Day and Independence Day celebrations so why is this month so important? With each section explaining a key aspect of this month, we also built in a small plug to use our services. This email used a Constant Contact newsletter format so we could talk about multiple topics in June that might be news to the customers. We tried to draw in readers of the email by posing a question in the subject line hopefully getting them to open it to see the answer. Just sent today so do not have results yet.


For July, we will have a celebration email advertising ways to celebrate big while still at home for those that are not ready for travel yet in these times. Since we are showing you how to have fun at home, our cleaning services will help make that home more comfortable for everyone! We will definitely be using an Independence Day theme from Constant Contact for this email. To keep readers thinking of us during at time that we typically see them away from home, this message will be short and sweet. This is to remind them we are here but not bore them when they do not want to read long emails during vacation.


Ending summer comes with the return to school so our customers will need to get everything ready with new clothes, new backpacks, new supplies, etc. Since everything else will be good as new, why not make your home that way too? This is especially true since you have celebrated events and had visitors over the summer leaving some wear on your floors that need a new polish or deep clean. We will look at back to school style templates for this email, but it will be a longer message again with back-to-school tips and tricks to make life easier after being gone on vacation with the rush of getting everything ready before school starts again. The subject line will be focused on the idea of read here to learn new ways to make your life easier.


During these months, our services are not a top priority of most people so all 3 emails are an attempt to remind our customers we are here so we are first on their mind when this cleaning does become important to them.  The link here is for the June Newsletter style email to our customers. 


0 Votes

The summer season is going to be different for my readers in Ottawa, Canada where most of my current subscribers are.  We are coming out of lockdown and will be doing outside exercise classes and a few more activities outside.  More people are getting vaccinated, and everyone is feeling less stress owing to a little safer environment.  So, my newsletters are about common-sense health strategies.  For example, this week I am talking about practical detoxing.  Do not eat "bad" stuff in the first place.  It sounds simple but it is very practical.  

 Additionally, I have changed my own profile pic, showing a photo from days gone by where we used to teach live classes with a headset.  So that should invoke a sense of going to back to our old fitness ways.

I offer a lead magnet for these subscribers each month and this month is all about cleaning the inside and starting fresh.  We could all use the word fresh in our mindset going forward.  It also invokes a sense of optimism.

In addition, I have a quick low-ticket offer for a 4-week workout, with which they could get to know me and my style of fitness coaching with a low investment and a win, as they will have a really good practical workout.

Changing up the cover image is important.  It must represent the season and that fresh theme that I discussed.

They do need something to click on and download offer is in the works for the next email this week.


Here is my latest campaign with the updates as described above: https://conta.cc/2SjIpbB



Coach Siva

0 Votes

Hello everyone! I'm sorry about the delay, as I was away for my wedding! 


Thank you so much to everyone who participated this past month. I had a ball reading about the strategies and seeing the hard work pay off in great lookin' emails! As a reminder, the winner was chosen via random selection with random.org. And this month's winner is @PresidentH! Congratulations!! The $100 credit will be applied automatically to your account. 


We WILL be back with another sweepstakes soon. The next one might take a little bit longer to launch than usual, but stay tuned!

Content Manager

Elevate your marketing with Constant Contact's Professional Design Services! From eye-catching email templates to custom branding and social media graphics, our professional design services are tailored to boost your business's impact and engagement.

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