Let's Play Bingo in Week 4 of the Ready, Set, Send Challenge!

Add Search Option to Campaigns

It would be extremely helpful if I could type a couple words to search for in past campaigns. Then I could easily locate the different emails we have used to market past events we are repeating. Thanks!

Marketing Legend

I have been using Constant Contact now for a few years on behalf of Northeastern University. I am surprised that there isn't already a function which allows you to search through past emails. We have over 1,000 emails in out sent box and occasionally we like to look back to see how we composed a previous email. With the addition of a search bar, we would be able to find what we are looking for without having to sift through hundreds of emails. -Thank you

Constant Contact Partner

Add a campaign search function, or at least provide custom filing options for every campaign. All of my emails fall into newletters and announcements, not really a helpful sorting option when there are hundreds I need to sort through....

Campaign Contributor
I swear, this is one of the greatest programs to use for marketing and such. The only thing it is missing is a search que for Campaigns and stuff. It sucks having to scroll for eternity looking for a project that I emailed out months ago. Add a search que and it will take this thing to a completely different level.
I would like to see a search feature added to the campaigns page. It would help me find campaigns that I need to reschedule easier.
We reuse certain announcements from year to year with minimal changes necessary. It is burdensome to scroll through all of the campaigns to find the ones we want to reuse. Please help!
It would be nice to search for an old campaign by keyword in title or text body when waiting to copy an old campaign
It would be great if there was an option to better search past Email Campaigns - maybe a way to tag email templates. For example, easily pull all my past newsletters or emails related to a specific event.

Thanks for posting this feedback. 

Hi. There should be some sort of search bar in the campaign section because to find what you are looking for can take forever since you have to scroll and scroll through your list. If possible, this would be a great update for the website. Thanks, Olivia
Please create a search function for at least the campaign titles.
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