Let's Play Bingo in Week 4 of the Ready, Set, Send Challenge!

Add Search Option to Campaigns

It would be extremely helpful if I could type a couple words to search for in past campaigns. Then I could easily locate the different emails we have used to market past events we are repeating. Thanks!

Campaign Contributor

This was suggested in the comments of another unrelated post. It got a bunch of comments of people who all wanted this search feature but the post was closed with No Action and I am not sure if it is because the original post was unrelated to this. So I am formally asking again for a search function on the Campaigns page. This would save many many of us a lot of time of scrolling through to find old campaigns that we need to copy or reference. PLEASE add a simple search function to find campaigns easier!!!! Being able to rename a campaign after it was sent is also needed.

Marketing Legend
I send several emails per day, it would be nice to have a search feature.
Constant Contact needs a search function for its campaigns. I set up a campaign months ago and can't remember what I called it. I'd like to copy it to reuse it. I can't find it or search for it. Please add better search functionality!
Campaign Contributor
It's difficult scrolling through pages of emails to replicate an email from several months ago. It would be useful to have a search function for keywords from the email or titles of the campaign.
Marketing Legend

I'm trying to find an email message I sent back in December 2016, not so long ago. In this folder there are 342 messages. I've sorted them by New-Old, so you'd think I could find it. Noooo...


The messages go from May 2017, April 2017, December 2009(!!??), February 2017, March 2017, November 2016... You get the idea. So, I have to scroll through 18 pages of old messages to find the ONE I'm seeking.


It would be great if a) they would list in ACTUAL New-Old *chronological* order or b) there was a Search window at the top that would allow you to search for a keyword in the email name.


Constant Contact, please stop making your interface more "sleek and pretty" and maintain and/or improve the functionality. That's what your customers are paying for. Such a bummer with all these new changes.

I could really use a search field for the emails, since I manage so many emails, it can be cumbersome to have to click through all of them to find what I'm looking for.

It would be great if you could add a title search option for campaigns.
Campaign Collaborator
Please add a search feature to sent emails. This would be really helpful to search through over 1,000 emails. Also, a search feature on contact lists would also be helpful.

We have campaigns back to 2013, if I don't know the date I am looking for, I have to spend way, way too much time finding it. Can't believe Constant Contact doesn't have a search function. We may leave Constant Contact just because of this. The whole office is annoyed as heck that there is no search function.

Campaign Contributor
Please add a search function to allow search campaigns. Such a pain to go through pages and pages~~
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