Let's Play Bingo in Week 4 of the Ready, Set, Send Challenge!

Add Search Option to Campaigns

It would be extremely helpful if I could type a couple words to search for in past campaigns. Then I could easily locate the different emails we have used to market past events we are repeating. Thanks!

When will there be the ability to search by campaign name???
Marketing Legend
Spent an hour scanning back through Sent e-mails...we use a lot of the same campaigns year in and year out and it saves a great deal of time to be able to go back and copy a past e-mail. I used to be able to go back to page 20 for example, and pick up a past, Sent , email...now have to go page by page...takes FOREVER and just when I got close to the e-mail I needed to copy...the site froze up. Very frustrating and time consuming. Can you reinstall the "go to page"? It would be so much easier and much less frustrating. Thanks for your consideration!
Please add functionality to search/filter email campaigns. We regularly copy information or re-use blurbs for events that are repeated on a yearly basis. Because we are productive and have been with your company for a long time, however, we have over 2000 emails we have to wade through and scroll through to find them. A simple database query/search/filter functionality would be so amazing.
I am looking for a campaign from August 2014 and its VERY DIFFICULT to search. Before you switched the format I was able to search easily by skipping to any page number I wanted. now I just have to keep hitting next which takes a very long time to get to last years campaign.
Campaign Contributor
Why can't you search for emails? Why is there no option to click on a page number or letter to find campaigns easier? We have over 6,000 emails that we can no longer filter through. Please find a way to correct or you will be losing customers.
Please add a way to do a keyword search for previous campaigns, similar to how one can search for contacts or email lists.
Sometimes you don't need to break something that is working. This new interface SUCKS!

Me too, also need the ability to search through at least the titles of old emails.

Marketing Legend
Your new format, which has me scroll down again and again to try to find a campaign, is taking huge amounts of my time. I used to go to page numbers and find past emails. Is there a SEARCH function or another way to quickly find emails that's not obvious? Thank you!
Marketing Legend

Best for me would be able to search previous emails key words, so i can quickly see what i've posted on certain topics and when. Need asap! Thank you.

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