Let's Play Bingo in Week 4 of the Ready, Set, Send Challenge!

Add Search Option to Campaigns

It would be extremely helpful if I could type a couple words to search for in past campaigns. Then I could easily locate the different emails we have used to market past events we are repeating. Thanks!

Campaign Contributor
That question is rhetorical and sarcastic. I have almost 3,000 campaigns and a lot of them get re-used (we operate on a quarter calendar). It takes a lot of UNNECESSARY time to scroll to past campaigns. Let's not even mention how there's no search feature... The folder and type options are of NO USE to me. #ANNOYED
Campaign Contributor
Have you considered a search function? Do we really need to "load" emails all the way down to find sent emails from a year ago? Maybe I'm missing these functionalities but this is taking up way too much time. Thanks
Brand Influencer

Can you please explain why exactly Constant Contact has not provided this most basic feature, to be able to search through your sent email collection using keywords?


People have been asking you to do this for several years.  Clearly, there is a major need for this very basic feature.

Campaign Contributor
Epic fail of new interface. I need to search campaigns by name. This is again proof that the developers do not use their own software.
Campaign Contributor

Yes, an Epic Fail for the new interface.  Too dumb to imagine.  Clearly the new release was not tested by real people with real accounts.  Did CC even conduct a beta test?  My guess is 'no' - by the lack of a necessary search function (not a 'feature').

Hello, I often "repeat" emails from past years and was able to simply search by page number of all emails sent. This feature is no longer an option. Perhaps we can bring it back? Thank you.
H&R RetailB1870085137
Campaign Contributor
there should be a search option, either by keyword or by date. it's so hard to go back to old campaigns and this update made it worse. at least before you can type in the page to find a campaign, now I have to go through all of them to find one I need to copy.

I desperately need a keyword search. So much I may find another platform.

We are wondering if there will be a text to join option for canadians? Also In the Registration for events section it would be helpful if you could add HST 13% and a cash option under payment.
Marketing Advisor

Hello Alison332,

Have you tried to sort the emails from oldest to newest or A-Z feature at the upper right hand side under the campaigns tab?



You may also try going to the status selection on the left hand side of the page to zero in on the older campaigns. I also recommend to use the folders option and putting the campaigns you want to easily access in the folders. I will also let our VOC team know of this feature request. Thank you for the feedback.

search tools.png

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