Let's Play Bingo in Week 4 of the Ready, Set, Send Challenge!

Add Search Option to Campaigns

It would be extremely helpful if I could type a couple words to search for in past campaigns. Then I could easily locate the different emails we have used to market past events we are repeating. Thanks!

The new format has made it even more difficult for us to find email campaigns that were sent out a year ago. We used to be able to forward to a specific page of "sent" campaigns, but now all we can do is hit the "View more campaigns" button. This is extremely time-consuming. This alone could be a deal breaker for us.
PLEASE bring back the old way of searching through old email campaigns. This new view of having to scroll down for pages and pages is infuriating when looking for an email we sent several months or even a year ago.
There should be a function to search campaigns for the one you want instead of having to continually click "view more campaigns."
Campaign Contributor
Hi, Any developments on bring back the ability to or enhancing the ability to search for an older campaign easily. It's very frustrating currently with only being able to "View more campaigns". Much of my time is being spent trying to reach a certain campaign.
Campaign Contributor

Since we now have an abundance of e-blasts in our system, some of them

being repeated periodically or seasonally, it would be helpful if we could

do a "search" by SUBJECT in order to expedite things so we're not

sifting through many e-blasts in order to find the one we need.   Thank you!

It would be so helpful to be able to SEARCH the prior campaigns in order to copy them and reduce the work of recreating new campaigns from scratch.
Marketing Legend
Please, please put the page jumps at the bottom of the past campaigns https://campaign-ui.constantcontact.com/campaign/campaigns. The "View More Campaigns" button is NOT helpful. It is very aggravating and it now takes forever to find an email that is a year or two old. You are penalizing customers that have been with you for years. Please create an easier way to find previously sent emails.
Not being able to search for campaigns is a deal breaker for me. If this is not fixed soon I will move to a different platform.
Campaign Contributor
I like the new format, however, I send similar emails each year and just spent 10 minutes finding last October's email I needed to copy, revise and send. It would be so helpful to have a way to search for the emails by title or go back to listing the emails in pages. Thank you!

Yes!  I vote for a Search Feature.  It takes forever to scroll through and load more load more. Thanks!

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