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Adding Tables to 3rd Generation

We had a thread about adding tables to third generation emails but a moderator closed it saying now that we can use 5 columns that should solve the problem.


Guess what, it does not come close to solving the problem. There is no way to line up text except tables. adding columns does not work because the columns will not always display side by side.

Top Answer

Hey @BONNIER52, thanks for your feedback. In our newest editor, we have a block that offers up to 5 side by side text or image blocks. This allows users to create a table-like block, however, we're looking to hear how we can make this block better. What content are you trying to add into your campaign that requires a table? 


The reason we don't have an actual table block is due to tables breaking the mobile responsive design of the template and with over 50% of users opening their emails on a mobile device, it's very important that we create solutions that work for both mobile and desktop viewers. Knowing how you use tables will allow us to look into ways we can make our editor even more useful. 



Top Answer

With the introduction of our cross-device editor, tables can be added to a campaign.


When viewed on a mobile device, your table won’t resize to fit the screen. If your table is wider than the screen, contacts will need to scroll horizontally to see the full table. Testing is especially important when using a table so you can experience what your contacts will see.


Please include Table feature and allow HTML code

Looking to move my 10 clients to a different email provider because of this continued issue of not having tables. 


We would really appreciate having table functions back, please! 


I used tables in the 2G version and really miss it in the 3GE templates.  This creates an issue for me as I used them all the time. Please add the table back into the 3GE templates!!


bring tables back into Gen3 PLEASE!

Campaign Contributor

Not having tables is causing a lot more work for us. Please bring back this functionality. Omitting this functionality is the sort of thing that forces us to look at, and possibly switch to, another provider.


Not inserting tables is probably a deal breaker for us after many years with CC.  Also, we can't copy and past HTML anymore.  This editing version has dumbed down way too much.

Campaign Contributor

Bring back tables. Let US decide whether they look okay in mobile format.

Campaign Contributor

Please bring back the table feature. 


I understand taking away table functionality for design - but what about some kind of calendar block? Not having tables to create the calendar or a way to drop in code to build the calendar is a real problem for us. We use the classic editor, but only because we need the calendar functionality. We want to use the new system but can't live without having a way to display our weekly events in calendar format.

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