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Additional Filter Options for Dynamic Content Blocks

Where one of these is available as a filter or condition, they should all be available. For example, why can't I send an email to contacts based on tags or fields? Why can't I filter dynamic content based on lists, segments, or tags?

Every conditional piece of data on my contacts has had to be replicated as a different 'group' as a list, segment, tag, and custom field so I can work around the limitations on the software.

Status changed to: Voting Open

Hi @NicholasS9556. You bring up some great points about the ability to have access to all conditions across various areas of your account. While I don't have any information to share, I'll open this up for voting and provide updates should we make any changes.


I completely agree. I want to personalized a newsletter by interest and the easiest way would be to use dynamic blocks by tags.


Hope this feature will be available soon


Yes -- this seems like the most intuitive thing and yet, I can't figure out how to do this. 


Please make this change. 


Hi @PatS85 what type of dynamic content are you looking for? Does our dynamic content blocks fit any of these needs?

Status changed to: Acknowledged

When scheduling an email, lists can be filtered by tags so you can send emails to a targeted group of contacts. As mentioned by Frankie, dynamic content blocks allow for specific content to be shown based on custom fields, city, company name, country, job title, postal code, and state. We understand these options may not be suitable for those who are looking for more options when creating a dynamic content block.


We are marking this idea as acknowledged and specifically targeted toward having a wider range of options in the dynamic content block within a campaign. Please comment with what criteria you would find most useful.


This is a functionality we need. Our use case:

* We send an Atlassian newsletter to our end users, but we have several types of end users:

** Jira only

** Jira and Confluence

** Jira and Bitbucket

** Jira, Bitbucket and Confluence


If we could add one or more tags to each dynamic content block, then we wouldn't have to create several versions of the same newsletter.

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