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Go back to contact view when editing

When I'm working with contacts, sometimes I need to make changes to several contacts with the same last name. In the old contacts system there was a "back" option that would allow me to return to the previous search would be nice to still be able to do that instead of having to search again once I've looked at a specific contact's screen.

When deleting a duplicate name it goes back to "A" instead of returning to where I was.
When I make a correction on one of my entries, I save the work. Rather than leaving me where I last was on the list, the program takes me all the way to the beginning. I would suggest a code modification that would allow a user to return to the point of their last record completed instead of taking a user all the way back to the beginning of the alphabet.
It would be nice to have the lists in complete alphabetic order: and once a name from listing was deleted for the complete listing to not go back to the begging but to the place last visited.
Perhaps it is due to the various layers of menus, but even though I use this site at least once weekly, I still have to search around for things such as deleting bounced contacts or viewing reports. I eventually find what I need, but it is not a streamlined processes.
Marketing Expert
I am trying to edit a list that has multiple screens. When I edit a screen and select individual to delete from the "list," once the deletion is complete, the screen reverts to "all contacts" and I must re-select the list I was working on to continue my edits. A little maddening.
Marketing Legend
It would be SO HELPFUL when you are investigating bounces if you didn't have to backspace to get to the search feature on the contact page. SO MUCH TIME WASTED. Can't you please add this??????
Campaign Collaborator
After a new contact has been saved, I would appreciate a hot button near the same area as the save button to return to the main contact list. Right now, I use my back arrow on the browser or have to go to the top for "contacts" and scroll.
When editing a contact it would be very helpful to be returned to the page you were on instead of to the first page again.
When editing individual contacts from a list, I open the contact, make the edit, then save. The problem is, if I'm on page 10 of my list...progressing through the list making changes...once a contact is edited, and I hit the back arrow button on my browser, it throws me all the way back to page 1 of the list (instead of going back to the page I was just on). Therefore, I have to page, page, page, page 10 times...until I get back to my last edited contact on page 10. It's very time-consuming and frustrating.
I'm editing a large list of contacts. However, if I set a contact list to 200 or 500 contacts per page (anything more than the standard 50), then open a contact to edit it, save it, and hit the back arrow to return back to my list, I have to scroll all the way back down and RESET the page back to 500 contacts per page (or whatever the chosen number is). And I have to do this EVERY time I edit a contact. I hoped viewing 500 contacts per page vs. 50 would enable me to edit a contact and go back to the list without having to page, page, page, page back to whatever page I was the last contact I had edited...but this is just as cumbersome. I have two suggestions: 1) After a contact is edited and saved, automatically have the window close and return back to the exact spot on the page that the person had been on...that way, we can continue down the contact list without having to adjust page settings or page, page, page to get back to where we were. AND 2) Put a page over arrow at the TOP of the page as well as leaving the one at the bottom. At least that way we won't have to scroll all the way down to page over.
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