Let's Play Bingo in Week 4 of the Ready, Set, Send Challenge!

Go back to contact view when editing

When I'm working with contacts, sometimes I need to make changes to several contacts with the same last name. In the old contacts system there was a "back" option that would allow me to return to the previous search results...it would be nice to still be able to do that instead of having to search again once I've looked at a specific contact's screen.

The process is very slow and there are no back buttons to return to the previous menu, and the dial just spins when you go back to contacts. Very frustrating to use.
Marketing Legend

Those seconds of waiting really add up.  If you poll your users, I'd bet 90% don't need the default view to spend time automatically selecting the Active list.  Change the default not to run a select statement so that there's no delay in getting into the Search Contacts box, which is where I always want to start.  For the 10% who want the Active list pulled, require them to click on Active rather than having everyone else wait.  Ok, maybe it's not a 90/10 split.  But if you combine this problem with users' common complaint about losing their place in lists after going into a specific record and then backing out, I bet we might be close.  I'll put $50 on the table right now.



It would be great to have a default when selecting who the reports go to other then the top name or selecting it each time.
Status changed to: Voting Open

Hi @HugoA51

Are you looking to select contacts in your account -- if so, what do you want to do with them after selecting? Or do you want to use this process to import the contacts?

Save and next - or after editing contact, please take me back to list I was working on.
Often I review all my contacts to remove those who have not opened email in the last year. Once I manage that contact, I have to go back to the contact page and scroll down all over again to the next contacts. Often I am just looking at the A's or C's or R's and not an individual name...therefore must scroll each time. Would love to just return to where I was recently working.....make sense?
When I go through the list of unopened emails there is no way to get back to the report after I click on a name and view their activity. When I try to go back, I always get the "Clicked" report. I should be able to go right back to the list at the same point where I left it.
Hello...I love all parts of Constant Contact except when it comes to managing contacts. I think there should be a more efficient way to edit a large amount of contacts, instead of editing, saving and waiting for the change to take place and then having to scroll all the way down to get to where you left off. Maybe being able to hide a certain section, or being able to quickly get the section needed....
Marketing Legend
When i click on campaigns it brings me to four emails, then i have to click again to get to main page. Reason? Also, when going thru contacts, if i modify a contact, it of course takes me to the page, but when i go back to contacts, i have to start from the top again. Anyway to fix this. Thanks, Randy
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