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Notification of role addresses being blocked

0 Votes

I recently learned that Constant Contact does not sent emails to "role addresses" such as marketing@, sales@, etc. We had an email like this in our contact list for several months, The customer reached out to us recently about adding that email address, but it was already in our contact list and showing emails had been sent to it. I contacted your Deliverability team to see why they may not be receiving the emails. That is when I learned the system cannot send email to addresses that start with marketing@. What would be helpful in those instances, is either do not allow the system to create an email with that prefix in the first place (show an error, similar to when you try to add an email that already exists), OR in the Engagement tab, show the messages as Undeliverable or Blocked, not Sent. There was no way for me to know that the emails were not getting through to that address, if the customer had not notified us. Please consider this change. Thank you!

Status changed to: Voting Open

Hi @CVPmarketing. Thank you for the feedback. I can definitely see how some kind of notification in your account would be useful. I'll open this up for voting.


Hi our customer had an email address of  but he wasn't receiving any of our campaigns. We never would have known that unless he contacted us that he was never informed about price changes for our distributors. I informed him we sent several emails notifying all of our dealers and that it must be in his junk folder, which it was not. I looked at his contact info in our Constant Contact account and everything looked correct. Finally I had to call Constant Contact and the representative informed me that it didn't go through because the email starts with the word sales@. It would have saved a lot of emails and phone calls and time had we just been emailed a notification that Constant Contact won't send emails that start with certain words such as sales@. I look forward to hearing from you and appreciate your consideration.

Status changed to: Gathering Information

Hi all. Where in the account would you expect to be notified of these role addresses existing in the account? Would this be during the upload process? During the scheduling of campaigns?


I'm not the original poster, but came across this while looking into what would happen with role addresses. Personally, I would definitely want to be notified before thinking I'm sending to an address that CC won't actually deliver to. A trigger at upload of that email would be great. Also it would be helpful for the person attempting to sign up to get an alert that they can't use a role email at subscription. Thanks for welcoming input from the community to make CC better and better!

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