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Postal code

0 Votes

not able to put any other post code like AUS - 3130 UK - 45 56D CA - M5E 1W7 Please fix

Status changed to: Open Questions

Hi @JamesR61!

I do apologize at this experience, and understand the need to have your full postal code within your email. When taking a look at your account, I noticed you also utilize our Custom Code Editor. Was it an HTML email you were looking to add this postal code too? Or were you trying to add it into the setting of your account? 

Status changed to: Voting Open

Response from @JamesR61: "Edit the campaign, before schedule"


Thank you for getting back to me, again I do apologize about this experience. I will be passing this feedback forward. I will also be opening this idea for feedback from other Community members.


However, as a workaround, I would suggest trying to update the physical address within the My Settings and see if that updates the physical address within your Custom Code email. You will want to update the physical address within the My Settings page first, and the create a brand new Custom Code email from scratch. 

You can find the directions on updating the physical address here!  https://knowledgebase.constantcontact.com/articles/KnowledgeBase/5789-set-up-my-default-settings

Status changed to: Closed - Implemented
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