Let's Play Bingo in Week 4 of the Ready, Set, Send Challenge!

View open rate by list

I want to be able to see what are my statistics in a more deeper level. Historical open rate Historical open rate within this List/Client Group Custom date range performance etc.

Campaign Expert
It would be super helpful if we could see the open rate based on the mailing list. We have people who are active clients and then clients that are past and prospective on separate lists and we'd love to see the open rate based on that. Thank you!
Status changed to: Voting Open
We would like a more robust reporting feature. For example, a feature where you can filter and display data on campaigns that were sent to certain email lists. Or how many emails were sent to a location/state, demographics, etc.
It would be great if there was an option to separate the open rates, click rates, bounce rates, etc by list. So if I send one email to multiple lists, I can compare and see which list responded the best. Thanks!
Status changed to: Voting Open

Thank you for your feedback @RubenJ5. Our developers will be working to improve the reporting pages in the near future so I will be sure to bring your feedback to them! I have opened up your idea for voting.

Marketing Legend

Thanks Drew. Hopefully we get better analytics out of the feedback

Campaign Contributor

I agree 1000%!!!

Way more analytics/Reports are necessary.

At a glance info on contacts and across campaigns. Contact "History" - Have the ever opened a campaign, how often, clicks, etc.


Campaign Contributor

Just being able to see subject lines would be a big improvement!


Has this been added? Requested over 3 years ago but don't see that this is available yet? Is there another way to see this stat. If not we have to send the same newsletter 5 different times to each list in order to see open rate per list which seems a bit ridiculous. thank you and any other work arounds would be helpful

Marketing Legend

Hi Andrea, thanks for bringing this back up. I've been doing the same as you to track stats. It is kind of ridiculous but it is the only workaround I have right now. Hopefully the support team actually takes a serious look at this.

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