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search feature

0 Votes
suggestions: 1. Do not show DELETED emails. Just give an option to search for them. 2. Give option to sort search results from oldest to newest, newest to oldest, etc

Hi @HitPredictor thank you for reaching out with this feedback on our search feature. The good news is there a drop-down next to search bar in order to sort old-new and new-old.2019-05-09_18-03-39.jpg


Were you looking somewhere else on this page for this type of sorting?

Status changed to: Voting Open

Hello @HitPredictor,

I hope Frankie's answer was helpful to you! I want to open up your idea to about excluding deleted campaigns in our search feature to voting. 

Would you prefer to search by the status of the email? (example: if it were deleted, sent, in draft)

Status changed to: Closed - Not Enough Information

We did not hear back from you with the requested information from Candace so we are closing this idea. If you have any thoughts to share surrounding the search feature, please reply with how it could work better for you and we can open this back up.

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